Why buy a property in Fuerteventura

27th February 2024

Are you considering buying a property in Fuerteventura? Whether you're looking for a holiday home, investment opportunity, or a permanent residence, it's important to understand the real estate market and legal system in Fuerteventura. This article will provide an overview of the factors to consider before buying a property, including economic considerations and potential pitfalls to watch out for. We'll also explore the pros and cons of buying property in Fuerteventura, as well as property prices and additional costs involved. We'll offer guidance on buying, building, selling, or renting property in Fuerteventura, including legal considerations for each. Whether you're a first-time buyer or experienced investor, this article will provide valuable insights into the property market in Fuerteventura.


Key Takeaways:

Fuerteventura's real estate market is growing, making it a great investment opportunity for buyers. Consider economic factors and potential pitfalls before committing to a property purchase in Fuerteventura. Buying property in Fuerteventura offers advantages such as a mild climate and affordable prices, but also drawbacks like potential language barriers and high maintenance costs.

Introduction to Buying Property in Fuerteventura

Fuerteventura, a captivating island in Spain, presents an enticing opportunity for buying property, whether for investment or personal use.

With its thriving real estate market and allure as a tourist destination, the island offers diverse options for property buyers.

The island boasts a variety of properties, from modern beachfront villas to charming countryside estates, catering to the preferences of different investors and residents.

Fuerteventura's stunning landscapes, pristine beaches, and vibrant culture attract a continuous stream of tourists, enhancing the rental potential for investment properties.

The absence of mass tourism compared to some other Spanish destinations preserves the island's authentic charm, making it an attractive location for those seeking both tranquillity and investment opportunities.

Understanding the Real Estate Market in Fuerteventura

To comprehend the real estate market in Fuerteventura, it's crucial to explore the various areas and their potential for investing in property. Understanding the estate dynamics and important factors within each area is essential for making informed property-buying decisions.

When considering property investment opportunities in Fuerteventura, it's important to analyse the distinct characteristics of different regions.

The resort town of Corralejo, known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant atmosphere, attracts tourists and potential property buyers. In contrast, the tranquil setting of Costa Calma appeals to those seeking a peaceful retreat, making it another emerging area for real estate investment.

The capital city of Puerto del Rosario is experiencing urban development and infrastructure improvements, enhancing its appeal for commercial and residential property investment.

The island's diverse landscapes, from the rugged terrain of the interior to the coastal areas, offer a range of options for property investment. It's crucial to consider aspects such as rental potential, tourism trends, and local regulations when evaluating the suitability of each area for real estate investment.

Overview of the Legal System for Property Ownership in Fuerteventura

Navigating the legal intricacies of property ownership in Fuerteventura requires a comprehensive overview of the legal system, as well as the role of proficient lawyers and the buying procedure. Understanding the legal framework is essential for a smooth and lawful property acquisition process.

When considering property ownership in Fuerteventura, it is crucial to engage the services of a reputable solicitor with expertise in property law. A competent solicitor can guide you through the intricacies of the local legal system, ensuring that all necessary documents and contracts are properly prepared and reviewed.

The buying procedure for property in Fuerteventura involves various steps, including property searches, negotiations, due diligence, and the drafting and signing of the purchase contract. Having a knowledgeable solicitor on your side can provide reassurance and clarity throughout these processes.

Legal considerations such as property ownership verification, tax obligations, planning regulations, and potential encumbrances must be carefully examined before completing a property purchase in Fuerteventura. Acquiring legal advice and representation from a qualified solicitor is essential to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Factors to Consider Before Buying a Property

Before proceeding with a property purchase in Fuerteventura, it's vital to consider various factors, such as the coastal environment, climate, and the potential for investment. These elements play a pivotal role in making a sound property investment decision.

First and foremost, the coastal environment of Fuerteventura presents an unparalleled allure. The striking beauty of its coastlines, with pristine beaches, azure waters, and dramatic cliffs, offers a serene and picturesque setting for a property.

The climate suitability is also a key consideration, as Fuerteventura boasts a year-round mild and pleasant climate, with very little rainfall and abundant sunshine, making it ideal for those seeking a sun-drenched lifestyle.

The investment potential in Fuerteventura's property market is notable. The island has been increasingly attracting international buyers, and its real estate market has exhibited promising growth, offering a potential for long-term returns on investment.

Economic Considerations of Fuerteventura

Examining the economic aspects of Fuerteventura is essential for understanding the costs of living, property maintenance, and overall expenditure associated with property ownership. Evaluating these economic considerations is crucial for well-considered choices.

When considering property costs in Fuerteventura, it's important to note that the real estate market in the region offers a diverse range of options, from modest apartments to luxurious villas.

The average property prices vary depending on the area, with coastal properties often commanding higher prices due to their proximity to the beach and amenities. Similarly, inland properties may offer more value for money.

Along with property costs, living expenses in Fuerteventura are relatively reasonable compared to other European destinations. The island boasts a moderate cost of living, encompassing expenses like groceries, utilities, and leisure activities. This affordability makes Fuerteventura an appealing choice for those seeking a comfortable lifestyle without exorbitant living costs.

Regarding maintenance costs, property owners should consider factors such as insurance, property taxes, and regular upkeep. While the maintenance expenses can vary based on the size and type of property, Fuerteventura generally offers a favourable environment for property maintenance, with access to reliable services and a moderate overall expenditure.

Potential problems to be aware of when purchasing real estate in Fuerteventura

Whilst considering property acquisition in Fuerteventura, it's crucial to be aware of potential pitfalls that may arise, especially for buyers who are not local to the island. Understanding and avoiding these pitfalls is essential for a successful property buying experience.

When purchasing property in Fuerteventura, it's important to consider the fluctuating market trends. Without local awareness, buyers may fall victim to overpriced properties or invest in areas with limited growth potential.

Another challenge is navigating the legal and bureaucratic processes, which can be complex without the guidance of a knowledgeable local expert. Cultural differences, language barriers, and unfamiliarity with the local zoning laws can lead to misunderstandings and unexpected complications.

To avoid these issues, it's crucial for prospective buyers to conduct thorough research and seek advice from professionals with in-depth knowledge of Fuerteventura's property market.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Purchasing Property in Fuerteventura

Exploring the pros and cons of buying property in Fuerteventura provides valuable insights into the potential advantages and disadvantages of property ownership on the island. Understanding these aspects is crucial for making informed property investment decisions.

One of the advantages of buying property in Fuerteventura is the stunning natural beauty of the island. With picturesque beaches and a pleasant climate year-round, it's a paradise for property buyers. Additionally, the relatively lower property prices compared to other European destinations make it an attractive option for those looking for an affordable piece of paradise.

However, there are also some disadvantages to consider when owning property in Fuerteventura. Non-residents may face language barriers and differences in legal processes, which can be challenging to navigate. Additionally, the island's economy, heavily reliant on tourism, may pose risks for property owners during economic downturns.

Advantages of Buying Property in Fuerteventura

The advantages of buying property in Fuerteventura encompass its coastal allure, investment potential, and the thriving real estate landscape.

These factors contribute to the overall appeal and benefits of property ownership on the island.

Fuerteventura offers an idyllic coastal lifestyle, with its stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters providing a serene backdrop for property owners.

The island's growing popularity as a tourist destination further enhances the appeal for real estate investment, as it ensures a steady demand for rental properties.

The investment potential of Fuerteventura's property market is bolstered by its status as a designated UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, ensuring sustainable development and preserving the island's natural beauty.

This not only safeguards property values but also presents opportunities for eco-friendly and sustainable real estate ventures.

The thriving real estate landscape on the island offers diverse options, from beachfront villas and luxury apartments to charming rural retreats, catering to various preferences and budgets.

Favourable government policies and attractive property prices make Fuerteventura an enticing destination for property buyers seeking both residential and investment opportunities.

Drawbacks of Buying Property in Fuerteventura

Amidst the appeal of property ownership in Fuerteventura, certain drawbacks such as living costs, climate considerations, and specific challenges may influence the decision-making process for potential buyers. Acknowledging these drawbacks is essential for a well-informed property investment approach.

Living costs on the island can be higher compared to mainland Spain due to the need for imported goods and the limited local resources, contributing to overall expenses of property ownership.

Climate factors also require consideration; the strong winds, particularly in certain coastal areas, can pose challenges for property maintenance and outdoor living.

Specific challenges relating to bureaucracy and legal regulations for non-residents may add complexity to property transactions. These facets highlight the importance of thorough research and assessment before committing to property investment in Fuerteventura.

Property Prices and Costs in Fuerteventura

Understanding the dynamics of property prices and associated costs in Fuerteventura is essential for evaluating the investment potential and overall affordability of buying property on the island.

Exploring these aspects provides valuable insights for potential property buyers.

Fuerteventura, known for its stunning beaches and lively culture, offers a diverse range of property options. These include charming beachfront villas, modern apartments, and spacious family homes.

The property prices in Fuerteventura vary depending on the location, size, and facilities. Areas near the popular beaches or tourist hotspots often command higher prices, while inland or less populated areas might offer more affordable options.

Along with the property prices, potential buyers need to consider associated costs such as property rates, service charges, utilities, and legal fees. These extra expenses can significantly impact the overall affordability and return on investment. It's crucial to take these costs into account when evaluating the financial implications of purchasing a property in Fuerteventura.

Understanding Property Prices in Fuerteventura

Analysing the property prices in Fuerteventura is crucial for gauging the investment potential and the affordability of purchasing property on the island. Understanding the price dynamics provides valuable insights for prospective property buyers.

Property prices in Fuerteventura have been steadily increasing in recent years. This beautiful island, with its breathtaking landscapes and pleasant weather, has become a highly sought-after location for real estate investment. Buyers can choose from a variety of properties, including luxurious beachfront villas and charming townhouses, catering to a diverse range of preferences. What's more, Fuerteventura offers affordable property prices compared to other popular European destinations, making it an even more attractive option for potential investors.

Additional Costs Involved in Buying Property

Beyond the property purchase price, understanding the additional costs involved in buying property in Fuerteventura is crucial for budgeting and financial planning. This includes maintenance expenses and urban planning considerations.

Identifying and comprehending these costs is essential for informed property investment decisions. When evaluating the budgetary implications of property ownership in Fuerteventura, future homeowners should consider the ongoing maintenance expenses. This includes regular upkeep, repairs, and landscaping to ensure that the property is well-maintained and retains its value over time.

There are taxes and fees imposed by local authorities for services like waste disposal, street lighting, and communal area upkeep, which contribute to the overall maintenance expenditures.

Moreover, urban planning considerations are an integral part of property investment in Fuerteventura. Buyers need to be aware of any potential development projects, zoning regulations, and building permits associated with their chosen property. These aspects can impact the property's value, potential resale opportunities, and even the day-to-day living environment.

Considering these factors, it's evident that achieving a comprehensive understanding of the additional costs involved in property acquisition in Fuerteventura is imperative. This knowledge give the power tos buyers to make sound financial decisions and avoid unexpected expenses, ultimately contributing to a successful and rewarding property investment journey.

Guidance on Buying, Building, Selling, or Renting Property in Fuerteventura

Navigating the processes of buying, building, selling, or renting property in Fuerteventura requires comprehensive guidance on legal considerations, urban planning, and market dynamics. Understanding these processes is essential for prospective property investors and owners.

When considering buying property in Fuerteventura, it's important to conduct thorough research on the local real estate market and legal requirements. Engaging a reputable real estate agent and a legal advisor specialised in property transactions can provide invaluable assistance in understanding the intricacies of the local property market and the necessary legal procedures.

For those interested in building property, familiarity with the local zoning regulations, building permits, and environmental impact assessments is crucial. This requires navigating the urban planning framework and collaborating with architects, construction companies, and local authorities to ensure compliance with all regulations.

As for selling property, understanding market dynamics and pricing strategies is key. Identifying the right time to sell, preparing the property for viewings, and engaging with potential buyers or their representatives demand a solid understanding of the current market conditions.

Similarly, for renting property, comprehending rental laws, tenant rights, and property management practices is essential to protect the interests of both landlords and tenants. Assessing market demand and setting competitive rental rates require insights into the local rental market.

Legal Considerations for Buying Property

Understanding the legal considerations for buying property in Fuerteventura involves essential aspects such as engaging proficient lawyers, obtaining the NIE, and comprehending the buying procedure.

These legal intricacies are crucial for ensuring a smooth and lawful property acquisition process.

Engaging proficient lawyers is paramount as they play a vital role in conducting due diligence, preparing and reviewing contracts, and ensuring that the property complies with all legal requirements.

Acquiring the NIE (foreigner identification number) is a fundamental step for non-residents, allowing them to purchase property in Spain.

Understanding the buying procedure includes familiarising oneself with the property transfer tax, notary fees, and registration costs, ensuring transparency and compliance with Spanish property law.

Building a Property in Fuerteventura

Embarking on building a property in Fuerteventura entails navigating urban planning regulations, securing suitable plots, and engaging professional law offices.

Understanding these processes is essential for successful property development on the island.

When looking into property development in Fuerteventura, careful consideration of the island's urban planning regulations is crucial. The regulations set the foundation for constructing viable and authorised properties.

Securing suitable plots involves in-depth research on the available land, considering factors such as proximity to essential amenities, accessibility, and adherence to zoning laws.

Engaging professional law offices that specialise in real estate and property development can provide critical legal guidance throughout the acquisition and construction processes, ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations.

Selling a Property in Fuerteventura

Navigating the process of selling a property in Fuerteventura involves legal considerations, engagement with law offices, and addressing aspects such as the Rubbish.

Understanding these elements is vital for a successful and lawful property sale on the island.

When selling property in Fuerteventura, it's important to follow all local laws and regulations. To navigate the complex legal procedures, it's recommended to work with a reputable law office that specialises in property transactions.

One crucial aspect to address is the Rubbish tax, which involves paying waste management fees set by the municipality. Compliance with these legal requirements is crucial to avoid any complications during the property sale process.

Renting Out a Property in Fuerteventura

Letting out a property in Fuerteventura involves considerations such as rental costs, living arrangements, and the NIE. Understanding these aspects is essential for property owners seeking to engage in rental opportunities on the island.

Fuerteventura, known for its stunning beaches and vibrant culture, has become an attractive destination for property lettings.

Regarding rental costs, property owners need to factor in variables like location, property size, and the amenities offered.

Generally, the rental prices in popular areas such as Corralejo and Caleta de Fuste are higher compared to less touristy areas.

Living arrangements also play a crucial role, as tenants often look for furnished properties, parking facilities, and proximity to amenities.

The NIE, or Número de Identificación de Extranjero, is a requirement for property owners leasing their properties, as it is mandatory for tax purposes and legal compliance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why buy a property in Fuerteventura?

Fuerteventura is one of the most sought-after locations for property investment, and for good reason. Here are some of the top reasons why buying a property in Fuerteventura is a smart decision:

    • Stable real estate market: Fuerteventura's real estate market has been stable for years, making it a safe and reliable investment for buyers.

    • Breathtaking beaches: With over 150 glorious beaches, Fuerteventura is a paradise for beach lovers. Investing in a property here means having your own piece of paradise!

    • Year-round sunshine: The island enjoys an average of 3,000 hours of sunshine per year, making it the perfect place to escape cold winters.

    • Easily accessible: Fuerteventura has its own international airport, making it easily accessible from many European cities.

    • Low cost of living: Compared to other popular tourist destinations, Fuerteventura has a lower cost of living, making it an affordable place to live or retire.

    • Booming tourism industry: Fuerteventura's tourism industry is thriving, making it a great place to invest in rental properties for additional income.

What types of properties are available in Fuerteventura?

Fuerteventura offers a wide range of properties to suit every buyer's needs and preferences. Some of the most popular types of properties available include:

    • Villas: Luxurious villas with private pools and stunning ocean views.

    • Apartments: Modern and spacious apartments with access to communal amenities.

    • Townhouses: Traditional Canarian-style townhouses with charming courtyards.

    • Land for building: For those looking to build their dream home, there are also plots of land available for sale.

What makes Fuerteventura a great place to live?

Aside from its natural beauty and thriving tourism industry, Fuerteventura also offers a high quality of life for residents. Here are some of the top reasons why it's a great place to live:

    • Friendly locals: The people of Fuerteventura are known for their warm hospitality, making it easy for newcomers to feel at home.

    • Outdoor lifestyle: With its perfect weather and stunning landscapes, Fuerteventura is ideal for those who love outdoor activities such as hiking, surfing, and golfing.

    • Excellent healthcare: The island has a modern healthcare system with state-of-the-art facilities and highly trained medical professionals.

    • International community: Fuerteventura has a diverse expat population, making it a welcoming and inclusive place to live.


What are the legal requirements for buying a property in Fuerteventura?

Buying a property in Fuerteventura is a straightforward process, but it's important to be aware of the legal requirements. Here are the key steps you need to follow:

    • Obtain a NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) number, which is a tax identification number for foreigners.

    • Sign a reservation contract and pay a deposit of 10% of the property's value.

    • Sign a purchase contract and pay the remaining balance.

    • Register the property at the Land Registry and pay the associated fees.

Are there any additional fees associated with buying a property in Fuerteventura?

Aside from the property's purchase price, there are some additional fees that buyers should be aware of when purchasing a property in Fuerteventura. These may include:

    • Notary fees: These are the fees charged for the preparation of documents and the transfer of ownership.

    • Legal fees: Hiring a lawyer to oversee the buying process is highly recommended and may result in additional fees.

    • Taxes: The buyer is responsible for paying the Impuesto sobre Transmisiones Patrimoniales (ITP) or transfer tax, which is currently 6.5% of the property's value.

    • Property management fees: If you plan on renting out your property, you may need to pay for property management services.